Required Documents for the Moldova Company Setup Process

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Establishing a business in Moldova is not just about identifying its market potential; it’s also about understanding and navigating the regulatory terrain. For entrepreneurs looking to set up a company in Moldova, comprehending the required documentation is a critical step. Here’s a rundown of what you’ll need for the Moldova company setup process.

  1. Application Form Your entry point into the Moldova company setup process, this form collects basic data about your future company and its founding members.
  2. Articles of Association A cornerstone document for creating a company in Moldova, it details your company’s structure, governance, and rules, including:
  • Business objectives and planned activities.
  • Shareholder responsibilities and privileges.
  • Profit and loss allocations.
  • Company meeting protocols and voting procedures.
  1. Identification Documents
    All company stakeholders must provide:
  • Passports or national IDs for Moldovan citizens.
  • Residence evidence, like a recent utility bill or a bank statement.
  1. Proof of Company Registered Address
    Valid proof includes:
  • A rental agreement for leased office spaces.
  • Property deeds, if owned.
  • Consent documentation from the property owner for using the premises as the business address.
  1. Name Reservation Certificate
    A pre-requisite step to ensure your company name is unique and approved by Moldova’s Public Services Agency.
  2. Sector-Specific Licenses and Permits
    Your business might need particular approvals, like safety permits for food services or regulatory licenses for financial enterprises.
  3. Declaration of Beneficial Owners
    Part of Moldova’s commitment to corporate transparency, this declaration prevents fraud and money laundering.
  4. Notarized Signatures
    To verify the authenticity of the foundational documents, signatures of the company’s principals must be notarized.
  5. Documentation for Foreign Investors
    If a foreign entity is setting up a company in Moldova, it must furnish:
  • Registration proof from its home country.
  • Legal representation documents.
  • A formal resolution authorizing the investment in Moldova.


The Moldova company setup process is intricate but manageable with a clear understanding of the documentation involved. Organized preparation is key, and so is the support of local experts. You can read more about our experience with company formation in Moldova here. There are multiple processes which are unkown to everyone, which we learned with our years of experience.

When you’re ready to create a business in Moldova, our team offers unparalleled support and expertise in Moldovan corporate law.

Let us help streamline your entry into the Moldovan market, ensuring your company setup is not only compliant but primed for success. Contact us whenever you are ready.

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