The Digital Nomad’s Guide in Moldova

Digital Nomad while Company Formation in Moldova

The Digital Nomad’s Guide to Company Formation in Europe: Embracing Moldova’s Tax Advantages

As a digital nomad, the freedom to work from anywhere is just the start—company formation in Moldova can unlock new markets and optimize your tax situation. Moldova, in particular, presents unique opportunities with its favorable tax system and incentives for entrepreneurs. Here’s how you can leverage these benefits for your digital nomad business setup in Europe.

Understanding Moldova’s Corporate Income Tax (CIT)

For Resident Companies: When setting up a company in Moldova or Europe, it’s essential to know where your business will be taxed. Moldova offers a conducive tax environment with resident companies taxed at a 12% CIT rate on worldwide income. However, if you want to set up online business in Moldova, namely in IT services, call center services or any other services contained in Moldova IT Park, the unique tax for your company is 7%.

For Non-Resident Companies: If you’re not residing in Moldova but have operations there, only the income sourced in Moldova is taxable. This is particularly advantageous for digital nomads who may not have a permanent establishment in the country.

Special Considerations:

  • Individual entrepreneurs are taxed at the same 12% rate on their total income.
  • IT businesses benefit from a reduced 7% unique tax rate.
  • SMEs that aren’t VAT registered and meet specific criteria can opt for a 4% CIT regime on their aggregated income.

Local Income Taxes and Free Entrepreneurial Zones (FEZs)

Moldova does not impose a separate local CIT. Instead, the national CIT is distributed between state and local budgets. However, the real draw for industrial entrepreneurs is the FEZs, which offer significant tax and customs incentives. After company formation in Moldova is done within an FEZ, you are eligible for a reduced CIT rate or even a three to five-year exemption from CIT, provided certain investment thresholds are met. Moreover, goods and services within the FEZ are exempt from VAT, adding another layer of tax efficiency to your business.

Foreign Tax Credit and IT Parks

For income taxed abroad, Moldova allows for a tax credit, ensuring you’re not double-taxed—a significant perk for nomads often earning across borders. Additionally, the Law on IT Parks, effective since 2017, introduces tax incentives for IT-focused businesses, including a flat 7% tax on sales revenue and is valid until 2035. For digital nomads in the tech sector, this can significantly lower your tax burden.


For digital nomads, Moldova’s business environment offers an array of fiscal benefits, from advantageous CIT rates and foreign tax credits to lucrative incentives for operating in FEZs and IT Parks. By tapping into these opportunities, you can create a company in Europe that’s not only innovative and agile but also tax-smart. Remember, while the information presented here is a good starting point, it’s always wise to consult with a tax professional to ensure compliance and optimal tax planning for your unique situation.


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